Easy Colour Block Bar Stool Makeover

This is my first post in what seems like a zillion years. I've had my hands pretty full but hopefully I've turned a new leaf and would dedicate more time to post on here. Maybe once a week for a start. Hopefully....

I got a local artisan to make a pair of bar stools for my craft room a little while ago. Of course, the work was shoddy and they immediately stood out like sore thumbs in the space. I tried to fix them immediately but the wood was still fresh and wouldn't take paint well and so the project got shelved...till today! Yaay!

It's pretty easy to do. So whip out all those boring stools you have lurking in your kitchen and give them a makeover!

Supplies needed:
-Stool (of course)
-A can of spray paint in your color of choice
-Masking tape
-Acrylic paint
-Paint Brush
-Staple gun

Okay let's do this.

Take your stool outside to a well ventilated area and spray all the legs. No need to spray the seat as you're going to be covering that up later. Take care to hold your can about 6 inches from the area you're spraying so you get an even coat that wouldn't drip. I sprayed just on coat because I wanted some of the original wood grain to peek through, giving it a weathered look. If you would like a more refined finish, go ahead and spray that baby a second or maybe even third time, allowing about 10 minutes between coats.

Allow the paint to dry completely. I would say give it an hour to set properly then place the stool bottom side up on a table. Demarcate the area(s) you want to paint a different color with masking tape or painter's tape ( if you have).

I wanted the bottom of my stool legs to match the aquamarine color of my curtains and luckily I had some Martha Stewart acrylic paint in the exact shade. Acrylic paints are very easy to get. Just walk into any art supply store and ask for some. I prefer to use small dollops of paint at a time so the paint doesn't start to dry out and also so I don't waste any drop of my precious paint.Lol. Pour your paint into any disposable plate or bowl you have (I have a dedicated plastic container) and proceed to paint he demarcated areas. I painted two coats, allowing 30 minutes between applications (Acrylic paints take longer to dry).

While the paint was drying, I cut up some foam I got from a tailoring store. I think they use it to make shoulder pads. Ha! The foam was in a long strip, so I folded it in three to fit the stool and it turned out to be cushy enough. I glued the foam to the stool seat using some UHU glue and also glued in between the folds so they wouldn't move around while stapling. I also cut some fabric to size, giving both enough room to comfortable fold under the stool seat. The measurements don't have to be exact, they just need to be big enough. You can always trim off the excess.

I placed the fabric wrong side up on a table and then centered the stool seat with foam attached on it. I stapled the foam first to the seat in a few spots and then started stapling the fabric on, folding in the ends to create a seam. Now when stapling, do so in a few opposing areas initially to secure the fabric then continue to go round the stool, drawing the fabric taut as you staple to prevent the fabric from ruching at the top of the seat. Trim off any excess fabric or foam as you go along.

 Once you're done, turn over the stool and inspect your masterpiece.  Easy peasy, Stool gone from drab to fab!

Let me know if you try this out. Thanks for stopping by.xx




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