Hello beautiful people. This is a continuation of the last post. This time I used paint. I had some Martha Stewart acrylic craft paint on hand, so I used that. You can get paint from any art supply store. Remember buying poster color and canvas for fine arts class? Go to those shops.
The instruction on the back of the paint said to wipe glass with alcohol before using. You can use methylated spirit for this step. It helps remove oils from the bottle so the paint sticks better.
I hope the pictures are pretty self explanatory. I chose to pour the paint in the bottle because it's less messy that way. Alternately, you can use a brush to paint it on. Be patient with the paint, it's thick and you might need to keep tipping the bottle in different directions to properly coat the bottle. When fully coated, pour back the excess paint into the paint container.
Be very patient while waiting for your paint to dry. I've read about baking the bottles in the oven....ehmmm let me know how that goes if you try it.
Thanks for stopping by.xx
About me
Hi there! Welcome to Hazel and Cinnamon. I am a craft enthusiast, DIY Princess, Baker/Cake decorator, incurable sweet tooth an pinterest junkie. Oh, and a Doctor too.
I created this blog as a way to share creativity and to pass on the craft bug to as many people as I can. Things are not always as difficult as thy seem.
Thanks for stopping by.xx
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